Monday, December 19, 2011

Well Happy Yule to me!

I was sitting at the computer at work, on my teleconference that is supposed to be training me, but all it's doing is allowing me time to get the rest of my Christmas presents crocheted when one of the guys came up to me and gave me a quick hug and said congratulations...  O.O  I gave him the "You're a Whackjob" look and asked what he was talking about.  It turns out they had a Christmas raffle that everyone was put in for and I won!


I won an ipad 2!!!!

And I found out how much take home pay is going to be on this check....
TRIPLE what it used to be.



  1. Score you, congrats, hubby is doing better. Thank you for the support.

  2. Wow! Definitely a Happy Yule for you...and you deserve it x
