Sunday, September 4, 2011

This post was in one of the groups I follow on Fetlife.  Makes a bit of sense eh?

How emotions can make you feel better even when the emotion you are feeling is seen as "bad or inappropriate" by society. The main idea is to think a thought just above (or below on this list) where you are right now with the goal to be getting to joy
*"Rage gives you a feeling of relief from depression, grief, despair, fear, guilt, or powerlessness
*Revenge gives you a feeling of relief from rage
*Anger gives you a feeling of relief from revenge
*Blame gives you a feeling of relief from anger
*Overwhelment gives you a feeling of relief from blame
*Irritation gives you a feeling of relief from overwhelment
*Pessimism gives you a feeling of relief from irritation
*Hopefulness gives you a feeling of relief from pessimism
*Optimism gives you a feeling of relief from hopefulness
*Positive Expectation gives you a feeling of relief from optimism
*Joy gives you a feeling of relief from Positive Expectation" p.119

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