Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Busy busy busy

So I asked M to help me with the "Park My Ass Syndrome" that I get every winter.  The gist of it is this. I make up a list of what I want to accomplish that week, he assigns a chore every day if I don't get off my bum and do something.  It's funny because every time we do this, he never has to assign anything lol.  Apparently just the thought of him holding me accountable is enough to get my lazy arse off the damn chair.  It also helps that I get things accomplished in the morning rather than at night because by the time I get home from work I don't want to talk, move, motivate, breathe, anything really.

I am also done with the whole not sleeping thing, and no I'm not going back on the spendy sleeping pills.  Why spend a fuckton of money on something that doesn't work?  I am trying to treat the mental pause, which is what I think is causing the insomnia.  So far so good.  This is the ingredient list but I'm not putting the brand name or where I got it here because it was a fluke that I found it there on my (literally) annual shopping trip and have no intentions of buying it there again.

Daytime Formula Features Standardized Ginseng and Green Tea to Give You Daytime Energy. Black Cohosh Relieves Hot Flashes and Irritability. Nighttime Formula Offers Theanine and Valerian to Help You Sleep Better. Black Cohosh Relieves Hot Flashes and Night Sweats.

I take both pills in the morning because when I take the night time one it gives me huge mood swings, and not the funny or happy kind.  Maybe I should take it right before bed?


  1. Valerian is interesting stuff... for some people it does the exact opposite of making them sleepy. It makes them hyper and... well not very good company at all :D

  2. it seemed to work last night. I only got up once to pee :D
