Friday, July 27, 2012


I have to revise my 5 page research paper and tape that stupid speech yet, then I'm done done done..

And move the rest of our stuff

and clean the old house

I see you laughing over there.

Did I tell you guys about getting the gas shut off?  Apparently Wisconsin Public Service has a new rule.  You need permission from the landlord before the name is changed on the gas bill.  They even sent me an email telling me this.  Which yahell sent to my spam folder... And of course they shut it off at 6pm and wouldn't turn it back on until the next day.  The next day dawned bright and early with severe thunderstorms, which knocked out our electricity.  So I had no gas, no power, and I still managed to get Red off to work with a hot breakfast, lunch packed and a thermos full of coffee.  Then I prayed over the laptop battery while I finished my paper.

It's been an entertaining week.


  1. I will pray for a boring mundane week for both you... :)

  2. May just join the monkey... you need the help :)

  3. Yes, definitely hoping you have a dull but pleasant week. :)

  4. congrats on writing your paper, keeping your cool despite the gas shut off...and the landlord thing? That sucks big time. How are you coping? Sending lots and lots of hugs and white positive energies (caint' type for shit tonight...geezuz!)

    Know that I'm holding you all in my thoughts and prayers that things work out for you...for real, karma is gonna bite that bitch in the ass.

