Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I've got VBA

No it's not an STI you pervs.  Pepper of Tales of a Spicy slave has accorded me the honor of a Versatile Bloggers Award. Yay me!  Here is the definition of it, as it was given to me :D  It is one of those 'round robin' self perpetuating things designed to allow bloggers to share their reading habits with others. The Blogosphere is a big place - bordering on enormous! and lovely snippets, wonderful posts, brilliant blogs can end up lost in the ether, wandering unnoticed in space until someone says "hey, have you seen this?" So, as I understand it, that is what the VBA is all about - sharing. It is good to share.

Ok, while I thank Pepper for the lovely honor, the next thing it comes with are rules... And we all know how good switches are at following the rules (not).

1. Thank the award-giver and link back to them in your post
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass this award along to 15 blogs you enjoy reading.

Ok, so apparently even blogs have chain letters heh!  Well, here goes nothing..

1.  Pepper at Tales of a Spicy slave
2.  I've been Wiccan all of my adult life, I have exactly ONE vanilla friend, I sometimes call M Daddy, I have been a dog groomer since I was 18 (it's always been my side job), I cut M's hair, my hair is almost down to my waist, M chooses the color of undies I wear every day (it's a rule)
3. Under His Hand
Down the rabbit hole
Hers To Do With As She Will
Paw Prints in Slavery
Unapologetically kinky
of course, Tales of a Spicy slave
Heart and Soul
The Journey
Vanillamom's Blog
Knotty Little Monkey
Words on the Bottom
Turn the Paige
Sparkling Scars
The Whiskey Owl

There ya go!  I'll let them know tomorrow, and I'll let everyone know what happens when you decide on your own to quit taking your sleeping pills, and M's reaction when he found out........~cue ominous music~


  1. LOL Good, I eagerly away your post..

  2. Spelling pre-caffeine is optional. i swears. rilly. got any coffee? We be all out of the broom closet, us, yeah? lol!! xoxo :p

  3. awww yay! thanks so much!

    and I've been out of the broom closet (and the queer closet) since I was 13. figured it was like ripping off a bandaid right??? just get it all out there lol good to meet a fellow pagan :)

  4. It was a lovely thought to include me. Thank you. My post is up.

